Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Job Is Disracting Me From My Work

The drama at my University eats up most days, where we shuffle between other faculty members' offices whispering. Plans have been proposed, knocked down, reconfigured. None seem to be viable.

I am dreading work tomorrow because I have a million real things to do: manuscript submission (2), homework solutions (2), lecture notes (2), test grading (8 left). I would like to just stay at home and work, but my students need me to be around more often than never.

I need to take a break from writing - perhaps a month. By then, I will know where to hang my hat.


Anonymous said...

Do you have an IM set up with your students? It might allow you to go into lock-down in your office. My old mentor would do this to keep up with us when she wanted to avoid the hallways, for whatever reason. Worked fairly well for answering easier student questions. If it's bigger, you know you can make your way to the lab.

Anonymous said...

Still sucks that you have to deal with all that though... :(

Nathan L said...

I think you should keep posting. Writing snippets like this might help you clarify your own feelings, and random comments might inspire new thought-paths.

Plus, I'm curious and need my fix!

Janus Professor said...

IM is now set up! And I may write entries, but I'll post them a little later in case something is super sensitive.

Big changes here...

Dr. Shellie said...

Good luck... we'll be thinking of you.